
Player Information

Player Profile
Member of Clan:None
Location:Kyiv, Ukraine
Player ID:3,825
Unique ID:STEAM_0:1:451059466
Steam Community:76561198862384661
Real Name:Not Specified
Email Address:Not Specified
Homepage:Not Specified
Last Connect:23 hours ago (Total: 65 Connects)
Connection Time:2 days 18:07:07 hours
Average Ping:151.08ms (Latency: 75.54ms)
Favorite Weapon:M9M9
* marked values from last two weeks

Team/Role Selection and Player Actions

Team Time Joined Percentage Kpd
Security 1d 09:02h 169 times 49% 0.86
Insurgent 1d 08:44h 168 times 49% 1.06
Spectator 0d 00:45h 8 times 2% -
Role Time Joined Percentage Kpd
specialist 0d 15:33h 71 times 21% 0.90
militant 0d 10:51h 49 times 15% 1.00
fighter 0d 10:05h 50 times 15% 1.13
rifleman 0d 04:51h 27 times 8% 0.87
recon 0d 04:49h 24 times 7% 0.84
scout 0d 04:18h 24 times 7% 0.99
sniper 0d 03:31h 15 times 4% 0.97
support 0d 02:27h 16 times 5% 0.77
machinegunner 0d 02:08h 9 times 3% 0.96
engineer 0d 01:57h 15 times 4% 0.90
designated_marksman 0d 01:40h 11 times 3% 0.64
breacher 0d 01:17h 8 times 2% 1.10
sharpshooter 0d 01:15h 7 times 2% 1.74
bomber 0d 00:45h 4 times 1% 0.86
sapper 0d 00:23h 1 times 0% 0.50
striker 0d 00:15h 2 times 1% 1.50
demolitions 0d 00:05h 4 times 1% 1.00

Map Performance

Map Time Kills Kills % Deaths Kpd Hs Headshots % Hpk Assists
tell 0d 16:17h 574 22% 533 1.08 61 23% 11% 58
revolt 0d 08:54h 298 12% 366 0.81 31 12% 10% 25
embassy 0d 07:58h 338 13% 367 0.92 31 12% 9% 25
district 0d 05:37h 255 10% 265 0.96 23 9% 9% 27
station 0d 05:07h 226 9% 268 0.84 25 9% 11% 28
contact 0d 04:02h 164 6% 144 1.14 19 7% 12% 15
verticality 0d 02:59h 121 5% 131 0.92 12 4% 10% 20
market 0d 02:56h 130 5% 131 0.99 23 9% 18% 11
siege 0d 02:47h 89 3% 95 0.94 11 4% 12% 3
kandagal 0d 02:44h 102 4% 126 0.81 11 4% 11% 24
sinjar 0d 02:38h 131 5% 102 1.28 12 4% 9% 12
heights 0d 01:20h 43 2% 33 1.30 4 1% 9% 1
szepezd_redux 0d 01:12h 44 2% 50 0.88 - 0% 0% 2
buhriz 0d 01:00h 42 2% 40 1.05 3 1% 7% 4
peak 0d 00:16h 2 0% 9 0.22 1 0% 50% 2
embassy_night 0d 00:15h 10 0% 12 0.83 1 0% 10% -
station_night 0d 00:12h 6 0% 8 0.75 - 0% 0% 1
panj 0d 00:09h 1 0% 8 0.13 - 0% 0% 1

Weapon Usage

Weapon Name Modifier Kills Kills % Deaths Deaths % Hs Hs % Hpk
M9 M9 1.00 424 16% 115 4% 54 21% 13%
MAKAROV MAKAROV 1.00 397 15% 104 4% 42 16% 11%
AK74 AK74 1.00 387 15% 290 11% 37 14% 10%
MK18 MK18 1.00 245 10% 144 5% 21 8% 9%
AKM AKM 1.00 197 8% 215 8% 23 9% 12%
M4A1 M4A1 1.00 142 6% 192 7% 17 6% 12%
GALIL GALIL 1.00 109 4% 46 2% 11 4% 10%
AKS74U AKS74U 1.00 96 4% 141 5% 8 3% 8%
UMP45 UMP45 1.00 65 3% 40 1% 7 3% 11%
GRENADE_M67 M67 2.00 61 2% 38 1% 6 2% 10%
GRENADE_F1 F1 3.00 52 2% 46 2% 2 1% 4%
SKS SKS 1.00 37 1% 35 1% 2 1% 5%
M14 M14 1.00 36 1% 46 2% 3 1% 8%
M249 M249 1.00 32 1% 38 1% 4 2% 13%
MP5 MP5 1.00 28 1% 65 2% 5 2% 18%
MODEL10 MODEL10 1.00 23 1% 30 1% 1 0% 4%
FAL FAL 1.00 23 1% 85 3% 3 1% 13%
M40A1 M40A1 1.00 21 1% 36 1% 3 1% 14%
M1A1 M1A1 1.00 20 1% 7 0% 2 1% 10%
GRENADE_C4 C4 2.00 20 1% 19 1% 1 0% 5%
ROCKET_RPG7 RPG7 1.50 19 1% 57 2% - 0% 0%
L1A1 L1A1 1.00 19 1% 53 2% 1 0% 5%
MOSIN MOSIN 1.00 14 1% 29 1% - 0% 0%
GALIL_SAR GALIL SAR 1.00 14 1% 102 4% 1 0% 7%
KABAR KABAR 2.00 13 1% 10 0% 2 1% 15%
GRENADE_IED IED 2.00 12 0% 18 1% - 0% 0%
ROCKET_AT4 AT4 1.50 11 0% 63 2% - 0% 0%
MINI14 MINI14 1.00 10 0% 37 1% 2 1% 20%
GURKHA Gurkha 2.00 9 0% 9 0% - 0% 0%
GRENADE_M203_HE M203 2.00 9 0% 11 0% 2 1% 22%
MP40 MP40 1.00 5 0% 8 0% - 0% 0%
M16A4 M16A4 1.00 5 0% 134 5% 1 0% 20%
GRENADE_MOLOTOV MOLOTOV 3.00 5 0% 4 0% 1 0% 20%
M45 M45 1.00 4 0% 13 0% - 0% 0%
RPK RPK 1.00 2 0% 1 0% 1 0% 50%
M590 M590 1.00 2 0% 8 0% - 0% 0%
GRENADE_ANM14 ANM14 3.00 2 0% 1 0% - 0% 0%
STERLING STERLING 2.00 1 0% 23 1% - 0% 0%
GRENADE_GP25_HE GP25 3.00 1 0% 5 0% - 0% 0%

Weapon Targets

alt : Hitbox
Show Total Target Statistics
Weapon Hits Left Middle Right
M9 521 22.1 60.7 17.3
AK74 483 25.1 52.2 22.8
MAKAROV 473 17.8 64.9 17.3
MK18 353 28.9 53.0 18.1
AKM 255 17.6 58.4 23.9
M4A1 210 21.4 54.3 24.3
GALIL 151 31.1 46.4 22.5
AKS74U 125 20.0 56.8 23.2
UMP45 77 27.3 50.6 22.1
SKS 48 31.3 56.3 12.5
M14 47 21.3 53.2 25.5
M249 41 19.5 68.3 12.2
MODEL10 41 29.3 43.9 26.8
MP5 33 24.2 63.6 12.1
FAL 27 25.9 51.9 22.2
M1A1 27 22.2 44.4 33.3
M40A1 25 12.0 68.0 20.0
L1A1 23 26.1 47.8 26.1
GALIL_SAR 23 34.8 47.8 17.4
MOSIN 15 26.7 66.7 6.7
MINI14 12 25.0 50.0 25.0
GURKHA 12 33.3 58.3 8.3
M16A4 10 40.0 40.0 20.0
MP40 7 28.6 57.1 14.3
M45 6 33.3 50.0 16.7
STERLING 3 33.3 66.7 0.0
RPK 2 0.0 100.0 0.0
M590 2 100.0 0.0 0.0


Weapon Shots Hits Damage Kills Deaths Kpd Hs Hpk Accuracy Dph Spk
M9 5,265 521 115,865 424 115 3.69 54 13% 10% 222.40 12.40
MAKAROV 4,716 473 106,499 397 104 3.82 42 11% 10% 225.20 11.90
AK74 6,336 483 187,297 387 290 1.33 37 10% 8% 387.80 16.40
MK18 5,657 353 171,317 245 144 1.70 21 9% 6% 485.30 23.10
AKM 3,237 255 150,286 197 215 0.92 23 12% 8% 589.40 16.40
M4A1 3,200 210 102,122 142 192 0.74 17 12% 7% 486.30 22.50
GALIL 2,572 151 70,909 109 46 2.37 11 10% 6% 469.60 23.60
AKS74U 1,726 125 48,648 96 141 0.68 8 8% 7% 389.20 18.00
UMP45 1,117 77 16,636 65 40 1.63 7 11% 7% 216.10 17.20
SKS 389 48 27,922 37 35 1.06 2 5% 12% 581.70 10.50
M14 601 47 51,196 36 46 0.78 3 8% 8% 1,089.30 16.70
M249 2,023 41 27,690 32 38 0.84 4 13% 2% 675.40 63.20
MP5 745 33 7,289 28 65 0.43 5 18% 4% 220.90 26.60
FAL 429 27 20,868 23 85 0.27 3 13% 6% 772.90 18.70
MODEL10 410 41 6,825 23 30 0.77 1 4% 10% 166.50 17.80
M40A1 101 25 30,036 21 36 0.58 3 14% 25% 1,201.40 4.80
M1A1 273 27 16,124 20 7 2.86 2 10% 10% 597.20 13.70
L1A1 354 23 25,640 19 53 0.36 1 5% 7% 1,114.80 18.60
GALIL_SAR 485 23 11,158 14 102 0.14 1 7% 5% 485.10 34.60
MOSIN 45 15 20,195 14 29 0.48 - 0% 33% 1,346.30 3.20
MINI14 140 12 5,893 10 37 0.27 2 20% 9% 491.10 14.00
GURKHA 53 12 1,770 9 9 1.00 - 0% 23% 147.50 5.90
M16A4 300 10 4,160 5 134 0.04 1 20% 3% 416.00 60.00
MP40 126 7 1,391 5 8 0.63 - 0% 6% 198.70 25.20
M45 62 6 1,580 4 13 0.31 - 0% 10% 263.30 15.50
M590 22 2 922 2 8 0.25 - 0% 9% 461.00 11.00
RPK 35 2 2,376 2 1 2.00 1 50% 6% 1,188.00 17.50
STERLING 11 3 290 1 23 0.04 - 0% 27% 96.70 11.00

Player Kill Statistics (5 or more kills, * marked values from last two weeks)

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