
Player Information

Player Profile
Member of Clan:None
Location:São Paulo, Brazil
Player ID:339
Unique ID:STEAM_0:1:88916861
Steam Community:76561198138099451
Real Name:Not Specified
Email Address:Not Specified
Homepage:Not Specified
Last Connect:Sep 13, 2024 1:49:01 am (Total: 279 Connects)
Connection Time:8 days 11:20:46 hours
Average Ping:178.11ms (Latency: 89.06ms)
Favorite Weapon:MK18MK18
* marked values from last two weeks

Team/Role Selection and Player Actions

Team Time Joined Percentage Kpd
Security 4d 07:07h 551 times 50% 0.75
Insurgent 4d 04:02h 553 times 50% 0.85
Spectator 0d 01:00h 9 times 1% -
Role Time Joined Percentage Kpd
specialist 4d 14:37h 304 times 37% 0.82
sniper 0d 19:45h 131 times 16% 0.61
machinegunner 0d 15:33h 84 times 10% 1.09
recon 0d 09:58h 36 times 4% 0.70
militant 0d 08:14h 59 times 7% 0.70
rifleman 0d 07:50h 38 times 5% 0.85
support 0d 07:04h 37 times 5% 0.71
sharpshooter 0d 06:59h 48 times 6% 0.65
designated_marksman 0d 05:48h 38 times 5% 0.68
fighter 0d 01:33h 20 times 2% 0.80
bomber 0d 01:06h 4 times 0% 0.46
demolitions 0d 00:59h 7 times 1% 0.72
scout 0d 00:41h 5 times 1% 0.75
engineer 0d 00:15h 2 times 0% 0.47
sapper 0d 00:00h 5 times 1% -
Action Achieved Skill Bonus
Lol, even TheCiscoKid can do this (2 kills) 831 times 831
Headshot Kill 780 times 780
Yeah and Stuff 672 times 6,720
Captured Objective 645 times 6,450
Pat on the Back (3 kills) 412 times 824
Running a Mousetrain! (4 kills) 217 times 651
Rampage (5 kills) 93 times 372
Mega Kill (6 kills) 58 times 290
Monks blessing be upon thee! (7 kills) 41 times 246
Banter Kill (8 kills) 11 times 77
Killing Spree (9 kills) 9 times 72
Maverick's Flashlight Slaughter (10 kills) 8 times 72
Destroyed Objective 7 times 70
\MoominDestruction/ (11 kills) 3 times 30
Pharoah Like (12 kills) 3 times 33

Map Performance

Map Time Kills Kills % Deaths Kpd Hs Headshots % Hpk Assists
tell 1d 03:55h 869 12% 1,124 0.77 66 8% 8% 38
district 1d 01:52h 970 14% 1,217 0.80 121 15% 12% 65
embassy 1d 01:21h 902 13% 1,245 0.72 109 14% 12% 46
revolt 1d 00:46h 730 10% 1,043 0.70 66 8% 9% 40
station 1d 00:19h 1,162 16% 1,242 0.94 125 16% 11% 56
contact 0d 18:05h 647 9% 746 0.87 65 8% 10% 31
verticality 0d 10:06h 321 4% 438 0.73 33 4% 10% 16
siege 0d 09:49h 263 4% 435 0.60 32 4% 12% 17
market 0d 09:35h 382 5% 425 0.90 43 6% 11% 34
sinjar 0d 08:02h 302 4% 372 0.81 35 4% 12% 12
panj 0d 04:06h 160 2% 161 0.99 22 3% 14% 5
buhriz 0d 04:03h 145 2% 163 0.89 22 3% 15% 3
kandagal 0d 02:57h 90 1% 92 0.98 13 2% 14% 4
heights 0d 02:08h 47 1% 79 0.59 6 1% 13% 5
embassy_night 0d 01:23h 36 1% 53 0.68 5 1% 14% 3
szepezd_redux 0d 01:17h 72 1% 46 1.57 9 1% 13% 5
drycanal 0d 00:36h 11 0% 21 0.52 - 0% 0% -
peak 0d 00:32h 14 0% 11 1.27 3 0% 21% -
tell_night 0d 00:29h 20 0% 17 1.18 2 0% 10% 4
contact_night 0d 00:23h 19 0% 17 1.12 1 0% 5% -
verticality_night 0d 00:23h 9 0% 20 0.45 - 0% 0% 2
revolt_night 0d 00:10h 6 0% 12 0.50 3 0% 50% -

Weapon Usage

Weapon Name Modifier Kills Kills % Deaths Deaths % Hs Hs % Hpk
MK18 MK18 1.00 2,205 31% 398 4% 248 33% 11%
FAL FAL 1.00 2,046 29% 360 4% 192 26% 9%
GALIL GALIL 1.00 639 9% 234 3% 53 7% 8%
M4A1 M4A1 1.00 399 6% 650 7% 43 6% 11%
AK74 AK74 1.00 383 5% 1,178 13% 33 4% 9%
GALIL_SAR GALIL SAR 1.00 213 3% 422 5% 33 4% 15%
M40A1 M40A1 1.00 195 3% 179 2% 27 4% 14%
MOSIN MOSIN 1.00 163 2% 198 2% 22 3% 14%
M9 M9 1.00 115 2% 204 2% 12 2% 10%
M1911 M1911 1.00 108 2% 67 1% 10 1% 9%
ROCKET_RPG7 RPG7 1.50 80 1% 167 2% 5 1% 6%
AKS74U AKS74U 1.00 70 1% 249 3% 13 2% 19%
MODEL10 MODEL10 1.00 68 1% 174 2% 2 0% 3%
AKM AKM 1.00 67 1% 343 4% 5 1% 7%
M45 M45 1.00 60 1% 43 0% 5 1% 8%
ROCKET_AT4 AT4 1.50 51 1% 177 2% 5 1% 10%
M14 M14 1.00 47 1% 143 2% 11 1% 23%
KABAR KABAR 2.00 41 1% 77 1% 3 0% 7%
GRENADE_C4 C4 2.00 31 0% 94 1% 3 0% 10%
GRENADE_F1 F1 3.00 27 0% 102 1% 3 0% 11%
GURKHA Gurkha 2.00 26 0% 61 1% 2 0% 8%
GRENADE_IED IED 2.00 25 0% 62 1% 4 1% 16%
MP5 MP5 1.00 20 0% 88 1% 4 1% 20%
GRENADE_M67 M67 2.00 18 0% 79 1% - 0% 0%
SKS SKS 1.00 17 0% 89 1% - 0% 0%
MAKAROV MAKAROV 1.00 14 0% 91 1% 3 0% 21%
L1A1 L1A1 1.00 14 0% 38 0% 2 0% 14%
M16A4 M16A4 1.00 11 0% 202 2% - 0% 0%
UMP45 UMP45 1.00 8 0% 21 0% 2 0% 25%
GRENADE_MOLOTOV MOLOTOV 3.00 8 0% 16 0% - 0% 0%
M249 M249 1.00 2 0% 20 0% - 0% 0%
MP40 MP40 1.00 1 0% 18 0% - 0% 0%
M590 M590 1.00 1 0% 11 0% 1 0% 100%
GRENADE_ANM14 ANM14 3.00 1 0% 1 0% - 0% 0%

Weapon Targets

alt : Hitbox
Show Total Target Statistics
Weapon Hits Left Middle Right
MK18 2,999 26.2 51.1 22.7
FAL 2,446 27.0 49.9 23.1
GALIL 778 27.9 46.3 25.8
M4A1 532 28.8 52.6 18.6
AK74 444 30.9 43.7 25.5
GALIL_SAR 280 26.1 53.2 20.7
M40A1 219 21.0 66.7 12.3
MOSIN 189 23.3 63.5 13.2
M9 178 23.6 57.3 19.1
M1911 135 25.9 55.6 18.5
MODEL10 121 29.8 47.9 22.3
AKS74U 94 25.5 57.4 17.0
AKM 88 27.3 55.7 17.0
M45 78 34.6 42.3 23.1
M14 61 24.6 50.8 24.6
GURKHA 31 32.3 54.8 12.9
MP5 28 25.0 57.1 17.9
SKS 25 32.0 52.0 16.0
MAKAROV 25 24.0 52.0 24.0
L1A1 20 25.0 50.0 25.0
UMP45 11 27.3 63.6 9.1
M16A4 10 30.0 40.0 30.0
M590 2 0.0 50.0 50.0
M249 2 0.0 50.0 50.0
MP40 2 0.0 0.0 100.0


Weapon Shots Hits Damage Kills Deaths Kpd Hs Hpk Accuracy Dph Spk
MK18 49,546 2,999 1,136,790 2,205 398 5.54 248 11% 6% 379.10 22.50
FAL 37,033 2,446 1,786,047 2,046 360 5.68 192 9% 7% 730.20 18.10
GALIL 16,635 778 197,494 639 234 2.73 53 8% 5% 253.80 26.00
M4A1 9,076 532 199,571 399 650 0.61 43 11% 6% 375.10 22.70
AK74 7,862 444 119,343 383 1,178 0.33 33 9% 6% 268.80 20.50
GALIL_SAR 5,421 280 59,126 213 422 0.50 33 15% 5% 211.20 25.50
M40A1 848 219 262,582 195 179 1.09 27 14% 26% 1,199.00 4.30
MOSIN 706 189 230,932 163 198 0.82 22 14% 27% 1,221.90 4.30
M9 1,855 178 27,671 115 204 0.56 12 10% 10% 155.50 16.10
M1911 1,329 135 27,139 108 67 1.61 10 9% 10% 201.00 12.30
AKS74U 1,717 94 32,736 70 249 0.28 13 19% 5% 348.30 24.50
MODEL10 1,690 121 12,235 68 174 0.39 2 3% 7% 101.10 24.90
AKM 1,432 88 44,112 67 343 0.20 5 7% 6% 501.30 21.40
M45 784 78 15,671 60 43 1.40 5 8% 10% 200.90 13.10
M14 951 61 44,546 47 143 0.33 11 23% 6% 730.30 20.20
GURKHA 250 31 5,070 26 61 0.43 2 8% 12% 163.50 9.60
MP5 462 28 5,705 20 88 0.23 4 20% 6% 203.80 23.10
SKS 153 25 14,088 17 89 0.19 - 0% 16% 563.50 9.00
MAKAROV 186 25 2,668 14 91 0.15 3 21% 13% 106.70 13.30
L1A1 157 20 14,540 14 38 0.37 2 14% 13% 727.00 11.20
M16A4 80 10 3,687 11 202 0.05 - 0% 13% 368.70 7.30
UMP45 115 11 2,827 8 21 0.38 2 25% 10% 257.00 14.40
M249 178 2 1,145 2 20 0.10 - 0% 1% 572.50 89.00
MP40 11 2 115 1 18 0.06 - 0% 18% 57.50 11.00
M590 8 2 94 1 11 0.09 1 100% 25% 47.00 8.00

Player Kill Statistics (5 or more kills, * marked values from last two weeks)

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