
Player Information

Player Profile
Member of Clan:None
Location:Stockholm, Sweden
Player ID:18,372
Unique ID:STEAM_0:0:17322828
Steam Community:76561197994911384
Real Name:Not Specified
Email Address:Not Specified
Homepage:Not Specified
Last Connect:Sep 4, 2024 6:47:18 pm (Total: 100 Connects)
Connection Time:4 days 17:49:10 hours
Average Ping:118.66ms (Latency: 59.33ms)
Favorite Weapon:AKMAKM
* marked values from last two weeks

Player Aliases

Name Time Last Use Kills Deaths Kpd Hpk Acc
balmung 4d 08:24h Sep 4, 2024 12:00:00 am 4,074 3,257 1.25 11% 8%
blizzy mcguire 0d 06:59h Aug 11, 2024 12:00:00 am 225 239 0.94 9% 10%
b 0d 02:32h Aug 29, 2024 12:00:00 am 65 76 0.86 3% 7%

Team/Role Selection and Player Actions

Team Time Joined Percentage Kpd
Insurgent 2d 08:34h 296 times 50% 1.27
Security 2d 08:27h 282 times 47% 1.18
Spectator 0d 00:53h 19 times 3% -
Role Time Joined Percentage Kpd
rifleman 1d 08:33h 133 times 23% 1.12
fighter 0d 21:02h 92 times 16% 1.25
sniper 0d 14:39h 71 times 12% 1.39
militant 0d 14:21h 77 times 13% 1.44
specialist 0d 08:06h 52 times 9% 1.02
scout 0d 06:16h 29 times 5% 1.37
recon 0d 05:44h 33 times 6% 1.29
designated_marksman 0d 05:14h 24 times 4% 1.22
sharpshooter 0d 02:26h 20 times 3% 0.95
machinegunner 0d 01:49h 17 times 3% 1.16
support 0d 00:35h 20 times 3% 0.68
demolitions 0d 00:33h 5 times 1% 1.38
sapper 0d 00:02h 1 times 0% -
bomber 0d 00:01h 1 times 0% -
striker 0d 00:01h 2 times 0% -
engineer 0d 00:00h 2 times 0% -
breacher 0d 00:00h 2 times 0% -
Action Achieved Skill Bonus
Headshot Kill 462 times 462
Yeah and Stuff 433 times 4,330
Lol, even TheCiscoKid can do this (2 kills) 419 times 419
Captured Objective 307 times 3,070
Pat on the Back (3 kills) 193 times 386
Running a Mousetrain! (4 kills) 157 times 471
Rampage (5 kills) 79 times 316
Mega Kill (6 kills) 30 times 150
Monks blessing be upon thee! (7 kills) 22 times 132
Pharoah Like (12 kills) 21 times 231
Banter Kill (8 kills) 18 times 126
Killing Spree (9 kills) 10 times 80
Maverick's Flashlight Slaughter (10 kills) 6 times 54
Destroyed Objective 5 times 50
\MoominDestruction/ (11 kills) 4 times 40

Map Performance

Map Time Kills Kills % Deaths Kpd Hs Headshots % Hpk Assists
tell 0d 15:46h 551 13% 520 1.06 47 10% 9% 121
district 0d 12:50h 516 12% 429 1.20 72 16% 14% 55
embassy 0d 12:32h 511 12% 462 1.11 48 10% 9% 42
revolt 0d 12:02h 386 9% 371 1.04 45 10% 12% 34
contact 0d 10:30h 382 9% 352 1.09 32 7% 8% 56
station 0d 09:47h 442 10% 315 1.40 45 10% 10% 55
verticality 0d 06:38h 249 6% 248 1.00 24 5% 10% 70
siege 0d 05:05h 201 5% 141 1.43 24 5% 12% 22
market 0d 05:00h 190 4% 185 1.03 17 4% 9% 19
panj 0d 04:43h 126 3% 68 1.85 14 3% 11% 6
sinjar 0d 04:29h 162 4% 112 1.45 22 5% 14% 15
buhriz 0d 04:25h 174 4% 121 1.44 17 4% 10% 12
szepezd_redux 0d 03:24h 196 4% 97 2.02 24 5% 12% 12
kandagal 0d 02:11h 72 2% 55 1.31 4 1% 6% 3
station_night 0d 01:29h 86 2% 23 3.74 17 4% 20% 4
peak 0d 01:02h 36 1% 24 1.50 5 1% 14% 1
heights 0d 00:57h 52 1% 30 1.73 5 1% 10% 5
embassy_night 0d 00:39h 18 0% 16 1.13 1 0% 6% -
market_night 0d 00:18h 13 0% 3 4.33 - 0% 0% -

Weapon Usage

Weapon Name Modifier Kills Kills % Deaths Deaths % Hs Hs % Hpk
AKM AKM 1.00 713 16% 290 8% 69 15% 10%
M16A4 M16A4 1.00 554 13% 177 5% 57 13% 10%
M4A1 M4A1 1.00 552 13% 265 7% 70 16% 13%
AK74 AK74 1.00 448 10% 383 11% 38 8% 8%
AKS74U AKS74U 1.00 373 9% 207 6% 48 11% 13%
GALIL_SAR GALIL SAR 1.00 253 6% 164 5% 23 5% 9%
M9 M9 1.00 213 5% 74 2% 29 6% 14%
M40A1 M40A1 1.00 209 5% 74 2% 24 5% 11%
GRENADE_F1 F1 3.00 152 3% 101 3% 9 2% 6%
MOSIN MOSIN 1.00 146 3% 67 2% 17 4% 12%
MK18 MK18 1.00 138 3% 152 4% 10 2% 7%
MAKAROV MAKAROV 1.00 124 3% 59 2% 10 2% 8%
FAL FAL 1.00 123 3% 142 4% 11 2% 9%
GRENADE_M67 M67 2.00 91 2% 84 2% 10 2% 11%
STERLING STERLING 2.00 30 1% 48 1% 3 1% 10%
ROCKET_RPG7 RPG7 1.50 28 1% 117 3% - 0% 0%
L1A1 L1A1 1.00 27 1% 70 2% - 0% 0%
MINI14 MINI14 1.00 24 1% 65 2% 1 0% 4%
M14 M14 1.00 24 1% 61 2% 6 1% 25%
ROCKET_AT4 AT4 1.50 19 0% 119 3% 1 0% 5%
M590 M590 1.00 16 0% 27 1% 1 0% 6%
RPK RPK 1.00 14 0% 36 1% 3 1% 21%
SKS SKS 1.00 13 0% 98 3% 2 0% 15%
MP40 MP40 1.00 10 0% 40 1% 2 0% 20%
M1911 M1911 1.00 10 0% 20 1% 1 0% 10%
MP5 MP5 1.00 9 0% 88 2% - 0% 0%
M1A1 M1A1 1.00 9 0% 22 1% 1 0% 11%
MODEL10 MODEL10 1.00 5 0% 26 1% - 0% 0%
M249 M249 1.00 5 0% 41 1% - 0% 0%
GRENADE_C4 C4 2.00 5 0% 70 2% - 0% 0%
GALIL GALIL 1.00 5 0% 88 2% 2 0% 40%
TOZ TOZ 1.00 4 0% 17 0% - 0% 0%
M45 M45 1.00 4 0% 10 0% - 0% 0%
GRENADE_MOLOTOV MOLOTOV 3.00 4 0% 5 0% - 0% 0%
GURKHA Gurkha 2.00 3 0% 3 0% - 0% 0%
UMP45 UMP45 1.00 2 0% 49 1% - 0% 0%
GRENADE_ANM14 ANM14 3.00 2 0% 3 0% 1 0% 50%
KABAR KABAR 2.00 1 0% 6 0% - 0% 0%

Weapon Targets

alt : Hitbox
Show Total Target Statistics
Weapon Hits Left Middle Right
AKM 931 25.0 53.9 21.1
M16A4 748 24.6 54.3 21.1
M4A1 744 25.7 55.1 19.2
AK74 578 27.7 54.0 18.3
AKS74U 500 25.2 53.0 21.8
GALIL_SAR 336 22.3 56.0 21.7
M9 292 23.3 53.4 23.3
M40A1 223 18.8 63.2 17.9
MK18 193 30.1 46.6 23.3
MAKAROV 173 23.7 57.8 18.5
MOSIN 160 18.8 64.4 16.9
FAL 138 21.7 60.1 18.1
M14 41 2.4 78.0 19.5
STERLING 37 24.3 62.2 13.5
L1A1 35 25.7 57.1 17.1
MINI14 30 20.0 66.7 13.3
M590 29 31.0 48.3 20.7
SKS 20 35.0 30.0 35.0
M1A1 17 29.4 64.7 5.9
RPK 17 11.8 64.7 23.5
MP5 15 26.7 53.3 20.0
MP40 13 7.7 61.5 30.8
M1911 12 16.7 58.3 25.0
M249 8 75.0 12.5 12.5
MODEL10 8 37.5 25.0 37.5
M45 5 0.0 60.0 40.0
GALIL 5 0.0 100.0 0.0
TOZ 4 25.0 50.0 25.0
UMP45 4 25.0 75.0 0.0
GURKHA 3 66.7 33.3 0.0


Weapon Shots Hits Damage Kills Deaths Kpd Hs Hpk Accuracy Dph Spk
AKM 11,196 931 232,725 713 290 2.46 69 10% 8% 250.00 15.70
M16A4 8,809 748 170,052 554 177 3.13 57 10% 8% 227.30 15.90
M4A1 10,531 744 345,153 552 265 2.08 70 13% 7% 463.90 19.10
AK74 8,024 578 127,545 448 383 1.17 38 8% 7% 220.70 17.90
AKS74U 6,750 500 151,933 373 207 1.80 48 13% 7% 303.90 18.10
GALIL_SAR 5,493 336 70,765 253 164 1.54 23 9% 6% 210.60 21.70
M9 2,579 292 48,098 213 74 2.88 29 14% 11% 164.70 12.10
M40A1 790 223 97,363 209 74 2.82 24 11% 28% 436.60 3.80
MOSIN 550 160 131,729 146 67 2.18 17 12% 29% 823.30 3.80
MK18 2,770 193 37,515 138 152 0.91 10 7% 7% 194.40 20.10
MAKAROV 1,380 173 25,118 124 59 2.10 10 8% 13% 145.20 11.10
FAL 2,068 138 48,620 123 142 0.87 11 9% 7% 352.30 16.80
STERLING 695 37 8,912 30 48 0.63 3 10% 5% 240.90 23.20
L1A1 673 35 8,961 27 70 0.39 - 0% 5% 256.00 24.90
MINI14 250 30 6,063 24 65 0.37 1 4% 12% 202.10 10.40
M14 394 41 8,654 24 61 0.39 6 25% 10% 211.10 16.40
M590 113 29 6,184 16 27 0.59 1 6% 26% 213.20 7.10
RPK 242 17 3,732 14 36 0.39 3 21% 7% 219.50 17.30
SKS 128 20 2,677 13 98 0.13 2 15% 16% 133.90 9.80
MP40 298 13 1,906 10 40 0.25 2 20% 4% 146.60 29.80
M1911 138 12 2,702 10 20 0.50 1 10% 9% 225.20 13.80
MP5 183 15 1,328 9 88 0.10 - 0% 8% 88.50 20.30
M1A1 197 17 2,673 9 22 0.41 1 11% 9% 157.20 21.90
GALIL 101 5 1,231 5 88 0.06 2 40% 5% 246.20 20.20
M249 187 8 908 5 41 0.12 - 0% 4% 113.50 37.40
MODEL10 63 8 792 5 26 0.19 - 0% 13% 99.00 12.60
TOZ 23 4 1,971 4 17 0.24 - 0% 17% 492.80 5.80
M45 57 5 612 4 10 0.40 - 0% 9% 122.40 14.30
GURKHA 30 3 560 3 3 1.00 - 0% 10% 186.70 10.00
UMP45 137 4 407 2 49 0.04 - 0% 3% 101.80 68.50

Player Kill Statistics (5 or more kills, * marked values from last two weeks)

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